Chair Jeremy Goico voiced his disappointment that today's meeting could not be held virtually due to the severe weather in Town, especially given the fact that Assembly Bill (AB) 361 just ended yesterday.
Treasurer John Morris spoke about a letter that he had sent to Town staff and the response he had received from Parks and Recreation Director Stu Brown with regard to the Main Street and Old Mammoth Road snowflakes, the lack of animation, and only having three flags up, over President's Day holiday. Mr. Morris suggested that MLT work with the Town Council to assist with funding for other types of animation, flags, etc. to help with curb appeal on the main corridors in Town.
Vice Chair Pat Foster reported that the Mammoth Yosemite Airport (MMH) had been closed since Friday and hoped to get flights in by tomorrow.
Board Member Bill Sauser said that he would like to see more "dressing" on the main roads and said that in past years Main Street was lit up like a Christmas Lane throughout the winter because the businesses had lights up around their buildings. Mr. Sauser said that the community should participate in dressing up their store fronts. He asked that everyone be patient due to the storms, piles of snow, plowing, and the amount of hauling required to open things up.
There was discussion between Executive Director John Urdi and members of the Board