Vice Chair Jeremy Goico reported on behalf of the Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber) that the 4th of July parade was a success and said that the Chamber had received a lot of positive feedback. Mr. Goico said that he was happy to see that events had started back up in Mammoth.
Board Member Jess Karell reported that the 4th of July parade was a success. Ms. Karell said that Sierra Nevada Resort had worked with the Chamber at the VIP Beer Booth and said that they had sold 150 tickets and that it was a great day.
Board Member Pat Foster welcomed Larry Crabb to the Board. Mr. Foster said that it was nice to have events going on again and said that Mammoth Motocross was a huge success. He reported that Airport Road was brand new, included bikes lines and was really nice. He said that half of the General Aviation (GA) ramp at the airport would be torn out next week and that a new half ramp would come in this winter. He said that he anticipated a rough fire year and that there had already been a lot of fire activity in the area. Mr. Foster reported that there were aviation industry-wide challenges due to a shortage of fuel and truck drivers which had caused delivery issues for some of the large companies in our region.
Board Member John Mendel said that he was happy that he did not hear any illegal fireworks in his neighborhood this year.
Chair John Morris reported that things were getting back to normal regarding lodging and that there were some variations in the way that different companies were handling length of stays, back to back stays and pricing. Chair Morris said that the Lodging Association was working with the lodging groups in Town with regard to trying to control the number of visitors in Town during peak periods in order to protect our environment, maintain a good quality of life for our residents, and to create a positive guest experience. He reported that although not all lodging companies had sold out over the 4th of July weekend business was good and guests were happy. He said that he had returned from vacation yesterday and had noticed that in both Colorado and Utah, he had seen a lot of responsible recreation messaging along the roads as well as in the hotels he had stayed in. Chair Morris reported that this was his last meeting as Chair and thanked everyone on the Board for all they had done.