Eastern Sierra Community Housing Board

Regular Meeting Minutes

437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes
Members Present:
  • President Tom Hodges, 
  • Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, 
  • Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, 
  • Board Member Kirk Stapp, 
  • Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, 
  • Board Member Tony Perkins, 
  • Board Member Heidi Steenstra, 
  • Board Member Brian D'Andrea, 
  • and Board Member Amanda Rice 

Regular meeting of the public benefit corporation, 501(c)3, Eastern Sierra Community Housing, Inc. whose mission is to support affordable housing for a viable economy and sustainable community.

Board Member Brian D'Andrea will attend this meeting remotely from the following address: 1000 Corporate Pointe, Suite 200 Culver City, CA 90230

President Tom Hodges called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes.

This is the established time for any member of the public wishing to address the Eastern Sierra Community Housing Board of Directors on any matter that does not otherwise appear on the agenda. Members of the public desiring to speak on a matter appearing on the agenda should ask the President for the opportunity to be heard when the item comes up for consideration. Public comments may be submitted to the Executive Director at [email protected] or [email protected] before or during the meeting, may be made in person in Suite Z or by "Raising your hand" in Zoom. 

There were no comments given at this time.

  • Moved byBoard Member Amanda Rice
    Seconded byBoard Member Kirk Stapp

    Approve the Consent Agenda. 

    For (9)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Board Member Tony Perkins, Board Member Heidi Steenstra, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Carried (9 to 0)

Program and Project Associate Erik Guzman-Rangel and Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the Innsbruck Lodge and Access Apartments presentations.

There was discussion between staff and members of the Board.

This item was taken out of order.

Executive Director Patricia Robertson and Housing Navigator Isaura Ocampo outlined the information in the staff report. Ms. Robertson introduced new Housing Navigator Jerrett Mendez. 

Mr. Mendez spoke about his past housing and grant management experience and said that he was in the process of learning the organizations policies and procedures.

There was discussion between staff and members of the Board.

Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the staff report.

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson and members of the Board.

  • Moved byBoard Member Jennifer Kreitz
    Seconded byBoard Member Kirk Stapp

    Approve the Standard Agreement with the State Department of Housing & Community Development for grant award 23-ESG-18024 as presented.

    For (9)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Board Member Tony Perkins, Board Member Heidi Steenstra, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Carried (9 to 0)

Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the Contract for Services with the City of Bishop.

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson and members of the Board.

CONSENSUS: There was consensus from the Board to have additional conversations with the City of Bishop with regard to additional services and to bring the contract back to the Board at the next meeting after they have had more time to review it.

  • Approve the contract for services with the City of Bishop.

Treasurer Sarah Nuttall spoke on behalf of the Executive Director Performance evaluation Committee and requested that Items 7.2 and 7.2 be removed from Closed Session as there was nothing to report and said there would be will update next month.

Board Member Amanda Rice announced that there would be a grand opening ceremony at the Dog Park on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.

President Tom Hodges said that he was pleasantly surprised by the Dog Park, reported that snow making was in progress and the Mountain would open on November 15th.

Board Member Jennifer Kreitz reported that Mono County had closed on a fiveplex in Bridgeport and that they were currently taking applications. Ms. Kreitz said that two of the units were reserved for County employees and the other three would be for members of the public with and Area Median Income (AMI) up to 120 for public, and 30% of the income for the County employees. She said that the County was still looking for bride units for a pilot program and was contemplating a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application, and reported that the County's  Ad Hoc Housing Committee had been meeting every other week.

There was discussion between Executive Director Patricia Robertson and members of the Board.

The Board went into recess at 7:20 p.m.

Property: 550 Mono Street, Meridian Court #A101, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546

Negotiating Parties: Patricia Robertson representing MLH (prospective buyer); Hilary Richardson (Owner)

Under Negotiation: Terms of sale

Board Member Jennifer Kreitz recused herself from Item 7.1 and left the meeting at 7:23 p.m.

The Board went into Closed Session at 7:23 p.m.

The Board returned from Closed Session at 7:46 p.m. and reported the following action: It was moved by Vice President Lindsay Barksdale and seconded by Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, with Board Member Jennifer Kreitz recused, and carried by a 8-0 vote to transfer the Mammoth Lakes Housing (MLH) option to purchase the unit located at 550 Mono Street, Meridian Court #A101, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 to an eligible household and to close escrow within 90 days. If that is not possible then MLH would utilize the Town of Mammoth Lakes' Revolving Loan Fund to purchase the unit and close escrow within 90 days.

paid in the form of fringe benefits of its unrepresented employees (Executive Director) and may include discussion of MLH’s budget and available funds and funding priorities, but only insofar as these discussions relate to providing instructions to the local agency’s designated representative(s). The purpose of this is to review MLH’s position and instructing MLH’s designated representative(s). No action will be taken

There was no Closed Session held for this item.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. to the next regular Board Meeting scheduled to be held on December 2, 2024.