Vice Chair Pat Foster reported that the Advanced Airlines (AA) season had been extended through last weekend and said that at 70%, April was their best load factor with AA. Mr. Foster said that the summer schedule was being worked on.
Secretary John Mendel reported that April was the first month that his business had been up over last year, and asked if Canyon and Eagle would be open this weekend. Mr. Mendel said that he had talked with some people who said they had used a 15 foot auger to get through the snow on Lake Mary so they could ice fish.
Board Member Eric Clark said that Canyon and Eagle would be open this weekend, and said that the current skiing was outstanding. Mr. Clark said that grooming at Tamarack for cross country skiing had ended.
Board Member Bill Sauser said that due to extreme weather and the amount of ice on the lakes this season, it was the first time in 65 years that he had not fished on opening day.
Chair Jeremy Goico reported that April was good for Black Tie.
Treasurer John Morris reported that April had been better than March for Snowcreek, and said that condo managers would have a lot of work ahead of them with repairs due to weather related issues, and asked that owners be patient since we have a limited number of vendors in Town that can do the work. Mr. Morris said that he felt May and June might be difficult this year for lodging, but summer should pick up. He said that he would rely on MLT and other entities for information regarding various openings so Snowcreek could push that information out in their marketing.
Executive Director John Urdi reported that there would possibly be a fishing "reopening" weekend.
There was discussion between Executive Director John Urdi and members of the Board.