Mammoth Lakes Tourism Board

Minutes of Regular Meeting

437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes
Members Present:
  • Chair Pat Foster, 
  • Vice Chair Eric Clark, 
  • Treasurer John Morris, 
  • Secretary John Mendel, 
  • Board Member Bill Sauser, 
  • Board Member Darlene Magner, 
  • Board Member Jess Karell, 
  • Board Member Cristi Quesada-Costa, 
  • and Board Member Kirk Wallace 

Chair Pat Foster called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 437 Old Mammoth Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA. 

Board Member Darlene Magner reported that she would attend the meeting remotely under the ‘Just Cause” provisions of Assembly Bill (AB) 2449 due to medical issues.

Board Member John Morris spoke about the 45-day moratorium on the issuance of new Short Term Rental (STR) certificates and the consternation it had caused within the community. Mr. Morris thanked Board Member Bill Sauser for his dissenting vote on the moratorium, and apologized on behalf of members of the community for some of the comments that were made during the that item at the Town Council meeting. He spoke in opposition of the moratorium and announced that a Short Term Rental/Housing Advisory Committee would be appointed at this afternoon's Town Council meeting, and hoped that the committee would be effective and would develop a positive solution to present to the Town Council in a timely fashion.

Board Member Jess Karell arrived at 1:04 p.m.

Ms. Karell announced that the Chamber's Business Excellence Gala was tonight.

Board Member Bill Sauser spoke about the STR issue and said that he was looking for comments and feelings from members of the public about it. Mr. Sauser said that the moratorium would likely be extended to May, and spoke about the technical reasons for the moratorium to begin prior to the advisory committee convening and how future extension could play out.

Board Member Cristi Quesada-Costa asked when The Parcel would be move-in ready.

There was discussion among members of the Board.

Public Comments may be sent via email to the Town of Mammoth Lakes Assistant Clerk before or during the meeting at or may be made via Zoom or in person during the meeting in Suite Z. All comments will be limited to a speaking time of three minutes.

There were no comments given at this time.

  • Moved byTreasurer John Morris
    Seconded bySecretary John Mendel

    Approve the Consent Agenda.

    For (9)Chair Pat Foster, Vice Chair Eric Clark, Treasurer John Morris, Secretary John Mendel, Board Member Bill Sauser, Board Member Darlene Magner, Board Member Jess Karell, Board Member Cristi Quesada-Costa, and Board Member Kirk Wallace
    Carried (9 to 0)

Digital Marketing Manager Samantha Lindberg provided a preview of the new website.

There was discussion between staff and members of the Board.

Director of Marketing Sarah Winters provided a recap on the Summer 2023 Campaign and an update on the 2023/24 Annual Plan. 

The Shipyard Media Supervisor Delaney Coughlin provided additional information about the website and the success of the Unreal promotion.

There was discussion between staff, Ms. Coughlin, and members of the Board.

Executive Director John Urdi gave an update on winter 2023-24 air service for the Mammoth Yosemite and Bishop Airports. Mr. Urdi announced that Advanced Airlines would start winter service to Hawthorne and Carlsbad on November 22nd and United Airlines would start on their winter service to San Francisco on December 14th and Denver on December 21st.

There was discussion between Mr. Urdi and members of the Board.

Receive an update regarding the financial health of the Mammoth Lakes Tourism and the results of the previous month for Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT), Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) and current account balances.

Executive Director John Urdi outlined the information in the Financial Reports. Mr. Urdi requested that three members of the Board assist with a TBID appeal.

Board Member Jess Karell, Chair Pat Foster and Treasurer John Morris volunteered to assist with the TBID appeal.

There was discussion between Mr. Urdi and members of the Board. 

A brief recap of past, current, and future efforts of each department.

Receive an update on international efforts from Director of Sales and International Marketing Michael Vanderhurst. 

There was no report International Sales report given.

Receive an update on communications activities from Director of Content, Communications and Public Relations Lara Kaylor. 

Director of Content, Communications and Public Relations Lara Kaylor gave an update on recent communications activities. Ms. Kaylor reported that a press release would go out announcing the new She announced that MLT had been nominated by USA Today for the Best Destination for Snow.

Executive Director John Urdi reported that he would have a call tomorrow with LA Kings Captain Anze Kopitar to discuss a partnership related to stewardship messaging. 

There was discussion between staff and members of the Board.

Receive an update on marketing activities from Director of Marketing Sarah Winters.

Director of Marketing Sarah Winters gave an update on marketing events and activities. Ms. Winters reported that MLT had been working on their Visit California Poppy Awards submissions for Best Overall Public Relations, and Best Paid Campaign for the Real Unreal Campaign, and Best Destination Stewardship Campaign, and announced that the Community Sentiment Survey had been launched and discussed the focus groups that will be the second phase of that project.

There was discussion between Ms. Winters and members of the Board.

Receive an update regarding local marketing efforts from Marketing Manager Emily Bryant. 

Marketing Manager Emily Bryant gave an update on recent local marketing activities. Ms. Bryant reported that the Mammoth Lakes pad maps were available in the MLT office as well as the in the Visitor Center. She requested that local business let her know about any specials discounts or events the had so she could add them to the VisitMammoth website.

There was discussion between Ms. Bryant and members of the Board.

Receive an update regarding digital marketing efforts and social media from Digital Marketing Manager Samantha Lindberg.

Digital Marketing Manager Samantha Lindberg provided an update on digital marketing efforts and social media activity.

There was discussion between Ms. Lindberg and members of the Board. 

Brief update on Mammoth Mountain news, activity, and operations.

Board Member Eric Clark gave an update on Mammoth Mountain Ski Area (MMSA) news, activities and operations. Mr. Clark announced that Opening Day at the Mountain would be November 10th, the first Early Up would take place on December 3rd,  June Mountain would open in December 8th, and Night of Lights would take place on December 16th. He said on December 8th the Mountain would air the film Paradise Paradox featuring several Mammoth locals. He provided an update on capital projects and reported that he hoped the Mountain Coaster would open during the holidays.

There was discussion among members of the Board.

Brief update on Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce news, activity, and operations.

Board Member Jess Karell provided an update on Chamber news, activity and operations. Ms. Karell announced that the Annual Gala would take place tonight at the Main Lodge. She reported that the feedback she had received from local businesses after last month's after Obstacle Course Race (OCR) was that there were not as many people in Town for the event as they had anticipated, and had some requests that next year's OCR participants be given a badge that they could present at local business to receive discounts 

There was discussion between staff and members of the Board.

Brief update on Town Council news, activity, and operations.

Board Member Bill Sauser provided and update on Town Council news, activity, and operations. Mr. Sauser reported that the Woodmen Turnaround had passed and gave an update on the Community Recreation Center (CRC). He said that he was excited for the upcoming High School Hockey Tournament and programming, and said that tonight's Town Council would include an item to end the emergency repair ordinance, as well as an item to appoint members to the STR Advisory Committee, and said that there would be ribbon cutting at the new transfer station prior to the November 15th Town Council meeting. He announced that the Town Council would reappointment it's members to the various Boards, Commission and Committees at their December 6th meeting, and reported that this afternoon's meeting would have an early start time of 3:30 p.m.. Mr. Sauser spoke about how the Town looks and said that he felt it should look like a Hallmark Christmas movie during the winter. 

Executive Director John Urdi announced that there would be joint workshop with MLT and the Town Council at the Council's December 6th meeting.

Treasurer John Morris reported that the November 8 Planning and Economic Development Commission (PEDC) would include an item about a proposed 80 foot cellphone tower by the fire station.

There was discussion between Mr. Urdi and members of the Board.

Executive Director John Urdi announced that there would be no closed session this month, and that he was waiting on a final ruling from a previous hearing, however, there should be a closed session at the December 6th meeting.

There was discussion between Mr. Urdi and members of the Board.

The meeting will be adjourned to the next regular meeting scheduled to be held on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. Staff is working on a joint workshop with Town Council and the MLT Board on December 6th to present MLT's Fiscal Year 2022/23 Report and Annual Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) Report.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m. to the next regular meeting scheduled to be held on December 6, 2023.