Eastern Sierra Community Housing Board

Regular Meeting Minutes

437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes
Members Present:
  • President Tom Hodges, 
  • Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, 
  • Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, 
  • Board Member Kirk Stapp, 
  • Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, 
  • Board Member Brian D'Andrea, 
  • and Board Member Amanda Rice 
Members Absent:
  • Board Member Tony Perkins 
  • and Board Member Heidi Steenstra 

Regular meeting of the public benefit corporation, 501(c)3, Eastern Sierra Community Housing, Inc. whose mission is to support affordable housing for a viable economy and sustainable community.

Board Member Brian D'Andrea will attend this meeting remotely from the following address: 1000 Corporate Pointe, Suite 200 Culver City, CA 90230

President Tom Hodges called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes.

This is the established time for any member of the public wishing to address the Eastern Sierra Community Housing Board of Directors on any matter that does not otherwise appear on the agenda. Members of the public desiring to speak on a matter appearing on the agenda should ask the President for the opportunity to be heard when the item comes up for consideration. Public comments may be submitted to the Executive Director at [email protected] or [email protected] before or during the meeting, may be made in person in Suite Z or by "Raising your hand" in Zoom. 

4th Senate District Representative Heidi Mayerhofer thanked Eastern Sierra Community Housing Staff and Board for all they had done to promote housing opportunities in our community and said that she looked forward to hearing about the upcoming projects.

There was discussion between Ms. Mayerhofer and members for the Board.

  • Moved byBoard Member Amanda Rice
    Seconded byBoard Member Kirk Stapp

    Approve the Consent Agenda.

    For (6)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (3)Board Member Tony Perkins, Board Member Heidi Steenstra, and Board Member Brian D'Andrea
    Carried (6 to 0)

Executive Director Patricia Robertson presented Resolution 24-01 recognizing former President Kirk Stapp and thanked Mr. Stapp for his service as the President of the Board.

President Tom Hodges read the resolution into the record.

Board Member Brian D'Andrea joined the meeting at 6:09 p.m. 

4th Senate District Representative Heidi Mayerhofer presented Mr. Stapp with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the California State Senate in recognition of this forty plus years of service to the community and for his service on the Board.

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson, Ms. Mayerhofer and members of the Board.

  • Moved byBoard Member Jennifer Kreitz
    Seconded byBoard Member Amanda Rice

    Adopt Resolution 24-01 Recognizing former President Kirk Stapp.

    For (7)Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, President Tom Hodges, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (2)Board Member Tony Perkins, and Board Member Heidi Steenstra
    Carried (7 to 0)

Housing Navigator Olya Egorov and Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the staff report.

There was discussion between staff and members of the Board.

  • Moved byPresident Tom Hodges
    Seconded byBoard Member Amanda Rice

    Appoint Board Member Jennifer Kreitz to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.

    For (7)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (2)Board Member Tony Perkins, and Board Member Heidi Steenstra
    Carried (7 to 0)

Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the staff report.

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson and members of the Board.

  • Moved byBoard Member Kirk Stapp
    Seconded byBoard Member Jennifer Kreitz

    Adopt Resolution 24-02 establishing the Partnership Discovery in Unincorporated Mono County Ad Hoc Committee.

    For (7)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (2)Board Member Tony Perkins, and Board Member Heidi Steenstra
    Carried (7 to 0)

Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the staff report.


Elin Ljung said that she currently served as the Chair of the Mono Basin Regional Planning Advisory Committee (RPAC) and had also helped found the Mono Basin Housing Working Group, and spoke about her background and desire and motivation to serve on the Committee.

Jake Suppa referred to his bio that was included in the staff report and expressed his desire to serve on the Committee. Mr. Suppa thanked Board Member Stapp for his many years of service to the community. 

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson and members of the Board.

  • Moved byBoard Member Jennifer Kreitz
    Seconded byBoard Member Amanda Rice

    Appoint President Tom Hodges, and Board Members Amanda Rice and Jennifer Kreitz to the Partnership Discovery in Unincorporated Mono County Ad Hoc Committee.

    For (7)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (2)Board Member Tony Perkins, and Board Member Heidi Steenstra
    Carried (7 to 0)
  • Moved byBoard Member Jennifer Kreitz
    Seconded byTreasurer Sarah Nuttall

    Appoint members of the public Paul McFarland, Elin Ljung, and Jake Suppa to the Partnership Discovery in Unincorporated Mono County Ad Hoc Committee.

    For (7)Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, President Tom Hodges, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (2)Board Member Tony Perkins, and Board Member Heidi Steenstra
    Carried (7 to 0)

Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the staff report.

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson, Olya Egorov and members of the Board.

  • Moved byVice President Lindsay Barksdale
    Seconded byBoard Member Kirk Stapp

    Adopt the updated 2024 Strategic Plan.

    For (7)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (2)Board Member Tony Perkins, and Board Member Heidi Steenstra
    Carried (7 to 0)

in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000

Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the staff report.

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson and members of the Board.

  • Moved byBoard Member Amanda Rice
    Seconded byVice President Lindsay Barksdale

    Adopt Resolution 24-03 authorizing Mammoth Lakes Housing (Eastern Sierra Community Housing) to submit a Portfolio Reinvestment Program grant through the California State Department of Housing & Community Development in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000.

    For (7)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (2)Board Member Tony Perkins, and Board Member Heidi Steenstra
    Carried (7 to 0)

Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the Resolution.

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson and members of the Board.

  • Moved byBoard Member Brian D'Andrea
    Seconded byBoard Member Kirk Stapp

    Adopt Resolution 24-04 authorizing Valley Apartments Affordable Housing, LLC to submit a Portfolio Reinvestment Program grant through the California State Department of Housing & Community Development in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000.

    For (7)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (2)Board Member Tony Perkins, and Board Member Heidi Steenstra
    Carried (7 to 0)

Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the staff report.

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson and members of the Board.

Housing Navigator Isaura Ocampo and Executive Director Patricia Robertson outlined the information in the staff report. Ms. Robertson reminded members of the Board that ESCH had a joint meeting with the Town Council on April 3rd. 

There was discussion between staff and members of the Board. 

CONSENSUS: There was consensus from the Board to cancel the regular ESCH Board meeting scheduled to be held on April 1st.

There were no Committee reports given.

Board Member Amanda Rice announced that the Town Easter Egg Hunt was scheduled to held on Friday, March 29th from 2-4 p.m. at the Community Recreation Center (CRC),with free skating afterward.

Board Member Jennifer Kreitz reported that Mono County had a Housing Ad Hoc Committee that meets weekly and said that they had opened escrow on a multi-family property in Bridgeport which had four units plus a separate manager's unit. Ms. Kreitz said that the property was currently being operated as a Short Term Rental (STR) purposes and that the County would take possession of the property in October and would turn it into long-term housing for their workforce. She said that the Mono County Supervisors had walked The Parcel last Tuesday and view the interior of Building B, and discussed challenges at The Parcel with getting an inspector to come up to Mammoth to inspect the elevator. 

President Tom Hodges reported that he had been taking part in a working group with the Town and County to consider converting a property by the old Sheriff's Substation into a van life/safe parking site. President Hodges said that Alterra had recently hired Willa Williford as the Vice President of Workforce Housing for all Alterra Resorts and said that she and some other members of Alterra's Development Team had been in Town the past couple of days looking at the workforce housing inventory in Mammoth.

There was discussion among members of the Board.

Board Member Sarah Nuttall reported that the Evaluation Performance Committee did not require the Closed Session.

Board Member Sarah Nuttall announced that after several meetings in closed session, the Board had reached an agreement that the salary of Executive Director would be increased to $130,000 per year and that a $5,000 annual bonus would be granted. Ms. Nuttall thanked Executive Director Patricia Robertson for her continued hard work and efforts at the organization.

There was discussion between Ms. Robertson and members of the Board.

  • Moved byVice President Lindsay Barksdale
    Seconded byBoard Member Jennifer Kreitz

    Approve the salary increase of the Executive Director to $130,000 per year and the $5,000 bonus.

    For (7)President Tom Hodges, Vice President Lindsay Barksdale, Treasurer Sarah Nuttall, Board Member Kirk Stapp, Board Member Jennifer Kreitz, Board Member Brian D'Andrea, and Board Member Amanda Rice
    Absent (2)Board Member Tony Perkins, and Board Member Heidi Steenstra
    Carried (7 to 0)

The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. to the April 3, 2024 joint meeting with the Town Council.