Executive Director Patricia Robertson reported that the Governance Committee had not met and that the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee was now vacant.
Board Member Brian D'Andrea reported that the Programs and Housing Development Committee had met to strategize about this evening's Closed Session item regarding property negotiations, and to discuss the 238 Sierra Manor Road project with regard to sourcing out the project and looking for cost savings opportunities.
Executive Director Patricia Robertson reported that the Marketing and Communications Committee was in the process of setting up a meeting to discuss the marketing plan progress and next steps.
Executive Director Patricia Robertson reported that the Chamber Steering Committee had not met, however, she had met with Mammoth Lakes Chamber Workforce Housing Coordinator Melissa Bell and Executive Director Ken Brengle regarding housing and how they could partner to move solutions forward more quickly.
Executive Director Patricia Robertson said that there was nothing to report for the newly created Ad-hoc Nominations Committee.
Executive Director Patricia Robertson reported that the Executive Director Evaluation Ad-hoc Committee had met with the Board of Directors at the last meeting and would again meet tonight.
Board Member Heidi Steenstra reported that the Fundraising for Access Apartments Committee had secured the décor, food and drink, and a public address (PA) system for the upcoming event, but said she was has having difficulty finding live musical performers. Ms. Steenstra said that letters regarding the event had been sent out. Executive Director Patricia Robertson said MLH staff had assisted with sending the letters and said that she had emailed an invitation to the real estate community. Ms. Robertson suggested that Ms. Steenstra reach out to the Mammoth High School Band Director to see if they would like to perform at the event.
There was discussion between Ms. Robertson and members of the Board.