Town of Mammoth Lakes Planning and Economic Development Commission

Minutes of Regular Meeting

437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes
Members Present:
  • Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, 
  • Commissioner Paul Chang, 
  • and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy 
Members Absent:
  • Chair Michael Vanderhurst 
  • and Commissioner Greg Eckert 

The Vice Chair called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. in the Council Chamber, 437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes.

Commissioner Kennedy led the flag salute.

The Public Comment portion of the agenda provides the public with an opportunity to address the Planning and Economic Development Commission on matters not otherwise listed on the agenda. Under California law the Planning and Economic Development Commission is prohibited from generally discussing or taking action on items not included in the agenda; however, the Commission may briefly respond to comments or questions from members of the public. Therefore, the Commission will listen to all public comment, but will not generally discuss the matter or take action on it. Requests for service from the Town may also be made at the Town offices during regular business hours. Members of the public desiring to speak on a matter appearing on the agenda should ask the Chair for the opportunity to be heard when the item comes up for Commission consideration.

There were no public comments given at this time.

Public Hearing Procedure: The Chair will open the public hearing and then: Statement and presentation by staff. Statement and presentation by property owner or appellant. Questions from the Planning and Economic Development Commission. Call for testimony from those persons wishing to speak. Rebuttal to previous testimony by property owner or appellant. Close the public hearing, terminating public testimony. The Commission will deliberate the matter and arrive at a decision.

for the construction of an enclosed access stairway to replace the existing unenclosed access stairway for an existing single-family residence at 682 Canyon Place. The project was found to be categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines §15301, Existing Facilities.

Vice Chair Burrows opened the public hearing at 9:04 a.m.

Community and Economic Development Director Nolan Bobroff gave a presentation outlining the information in the staff report.

Mike Britton with Britton Architecture, applicant representing the property owners, outlined the need for the request. 

There was discussion among members of the Commission, Mr. Britton, and staff.

Vice Chair Burrows closed the public hearing at 9:11 a.m.

  • Moved byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Seconded byCommissioner Paul Chang

    Adopt the attached Planning and Economic Development Commission Resolution, making the required CEQA and Municipal Code findings, and approving Variance #VAR 24-001 with conditions as recommended by staff.

    For (3)Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, Commissioner Paul Chang, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Absent (2)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, and Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Carried (3 to 0)

Assistant Planner Tess Houseman gave a presentation outlining the information in the staff report. 

There was discussion among members of the Commission and staff.

  • Moved byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Seconded byCommissioner Paul Chang

    Adopt the Planning and Economic Development Commission Resolution, making the required Government Code findings and CEQA findings, and determining that the Town's acceptance of donated vacant property located at 156 Lost Lane is consistent with the General Plan.

    For (3)Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, Commissioner Paul Chang, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Absent (2)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, and Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Carried (3 to 0)
  • Moved byCommissioner Paul Chang
    Seconded byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy

    Approve the Consent Agenda.

    For (3)Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, Commissioner Paul Chang, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Absent (2)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, and Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Carried (3 to 0)

Informational reports from Commissioner representatives on committees, commissions, and organizations; general reports on Commission activities.  Opportunity to add urgency items pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2(b)2, if necessary; and to remove items from consent for separate discussion.

Design Committee - Paul Chang and Jennifer Burrows

Mobility Committee - Michael Vanderhurst and Jessica Kennedy

Commissioner Kennedy attended the Design Committee meeting.

Vice Chair Burrows attended the Design Committee meeting. She reported that she attended the Sierra Jobs First Council meeting last month.

The Director's Report portion of the agenda provides the Director with an opportunity to address the Planning and Economic Development Commission on Community and Economic Development work items.

Community and Economic Development Director Nolan Bobroff spoke about the California Jobs First meeting in Truckee and the California Jobs First presentation yesterday at the Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce Power Lunch, and provided an update on the purpose and progress of the program. Mr. Bobroff provided an update on The Parcel which included a delay in occupancy. He said that he would reach out to the Commissioners to set up tours of The Parcel prior to the opening. 

There was discussion among members of the Commission and staff.

The Planning and Economic Development Commission will adjourn to a regular meeting to be held on June 12, 2024.

The Commission adjourned the meeting at 9:40 a.m. to the next regular meeting scheduled to be held on June 12, 2024.