Community and Economic Development Director Nolan Bobroff introduced Colin Frolich, Placemates. Mr. Frolich gave a presentation outlining the Lease to Locals program. There was discussion among members of Council, Mr. Frolich and staff.
Brianna Goico, Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce Assistant Director, provided an update on the Chamber's workforce housing program. Ms. Goico reported that the MLCC Board was supportive of the Town moving forward with the Placemates program and said that many of the Chamber's member businesses had concerns about the Area Median Income (AMI) restrictions with The Parcel.
Mayor Bill Sauser read a public comment received from Robert Yoder into the record per the request of Ted Carleton.
There was discussion among members of Council, Mr. Frolich and staff.
Staff was given direction to provide additional information about the Placemates program at a future meeting.