Town of Mammoth Lakes Planning and Economic Development Commission

Minutes of Regular Meeting

437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes
Members Present:
  • Chair Michael Vanderhurst, 
  • Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, 
  • Commissioner Paul Chang, 
  • and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy 
Members Absent:
  • Commissioner Greg Eckert 

The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. in the Council Chamber, 437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes.

Commissioner Kennedy led the flag salute.

The Public Comment portion of the agenda provides the public with an opportunity to address the Planning and Economic Development Commission on matters not otherwise listed on the agenda. Under California law the Planning and Economic Development Commission is prohibited from generally discussing or taking action on items not included in the agenda; however, the Commission may briefly respond to comments or questions from members of the public. Therefore, the Commission will listen to all public comment, but will not generally discuss the matter or take action on it. Requests for service from the Town may also be made at the Town offices during regular business hours. Members of the public desiring to speak on a matter appearing on the agenda should ask the Chair for the opportunity to be heard when the item comes up for Commission consideration.

There were no public comments given at this time. 

Stacy Corless, Sierra Business Council (SBC) Government Affairs Coordinator, Erika Harvey, Project Director, and Magnolia Barra, Eastside Project Navigator, gave a presentation regarding the Community Economic Resilience Fund. There was discussion among members of the Commission, staff, and SBC staff.  

Community and Economic Development Director Sandra Moberly, Associate Planner Michael Peterka, and Senior Planner - Housing Coordinator Nolan Bobroff gave an overview of the 2022 Annual Planning Report. There was discussion among members of the Commission and staff.

numbers throughout the conditions of approval.

Commissioner Chang announced a conflict of interest due to his ownership of a residence within 500 of the project and left the meeting at 9:31 a.m. 

Senior Planner - Housing Coordinator Nolan Bobroff gave a presentation outlining the information in the staff report. There was discussion among members of the Commission and staff. 

Chuck Lande, Snowcreek, offered to answer questions. 

  • Moved byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Seconded byVice Chair Jennifer Burrows

    Adopt the Planning and Economic Development Commission Resolution making the Municipal Code findings and approving the minor amendments to Resolution PC-2009-08 for Tentative Tract Map 09-002 - Snowcreek VIII, as recommended by staff.

    For (3)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Absent (2)Commissioner Paul Chang, and Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Carried (3 to 0)

Public Works Director Haislip Hayes outlined the information in the staff report. There was discussion among members of the Commission and staff.

Chuck Lande, Snowcreek, offered to answer questions. 


Patrick Ellingsworth, President of Snowcreek V Homeowners  Association and Fairway Homes II, said that the Association supported the adoption of the final map, and outlined some concerns regarding access and snow removal. 

Mr. Lande responded to Mr. Ellingsworth concerns. 

Commissioner Chang returned to the meeting at 9:57 a.m.

  • Moved byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Seconded byVice Chair Jennifer Burrows

    Find Final Tract Map 09-002 to be in accordance with the conditionally approved Tentative Tract Map and approve the Final Tract Map; find that all applicable conditions of approval of the Tentative Tract Map have been satisfied; and authorize recordation of Final Tract Map 09-002: 1. After payment of outstanding fees. 2. No less than ten calendar-days after the approval of the Final Tract Map by the Planning and Economic Development Commission provided no appeal has been filed. The tenth day of appeals shall be a regular business day. The map may then record the next business day provided no appeal has been filed. 

    For (3)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Absent (2)Commissioner Paul Chang, and Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Carried (3 to 0)
  • Moved byVice Chair Jennifer Burrows
    Seconded byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy

    Approve the Consent Agenda.

    For (4)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, Commissioner Paul Chang, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Absent (1)Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Carried (4 to 0)

Informational reports from Commissioner representatives on committees, commissions, and organizations; general reports on Commission activities.  Opportunity to add urgency items pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2(b)2, if necessary; and to remove items from consent for separate discussion.

Design Committee - Paul Chang and Jennifer Burrows

Mobility Committee - Michael Vanderhurst and Jessica Kennedy

Commissioner Chang attended the Design Committee meeting.

Vice Chair Burrows attended the Design Committee meeting. 

Chair Vanderhurst announced that Canyon Lodge and Eagle Lodge would be closing this weekend, and that Canyon Lodge would be open on weekends for access. He announced that the Pond Skim was on Sunday. 

The Director's Report portion of the agenda provides the Director with an opportunity to address the Planning and Economic Development Commission on Community and Economic Development work items.

Public Works Director Haislip Hayes gave an update regarding the Town's emergency response and recovery. 

Community and Economic Development Director Sandra Moberly reported that there were no mosquito abatement efforts in Mono County. She attended the Planning Commissioners Academy. She said that the Town had started the receivership process for the  Mammoth Creek Inn. There was discussion among members of the Commission and staff.

The Planning and Economic Development Commission will adjourn to a regular meeting to be held on May 10, 2023.

The Commission adjourned the meeting at 10:50 a.m.