Town of Mammoth Lakes Planning and Economic Development Commission

Minutes of Regular Meeting

437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes
Members Present:
  • Chair Michael Vanderhurst, 
  • Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, 
  • Commissioner Paul Chang, 
  • Commissioner Jessica Kennedy, 
  • and Commissioner Greg Eckert

The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 437 Old Mammoth Road, Suite Z, Mammoth Lakes.

Vice Chair Burrows led the flag salute.

The Public Comment portion of the agenda provides the public with an opportunity to address the Planning and Economic Development Commission on matters not otherwise listed on the agenda. Under California law the Planning and Economic Development Commission is prohibited from generally discussing or taking action on items not included in the agenda; however, the Commission may briefly respond to comments or questions from members of the public. Therefore, the Commission will listen to all public comment, but will not generally discuss the matter or take action on it. Requests for service from the Town may also be made at the Town offices during regular business hours. Members of the public desiring to speak on a matter appearing on the agenda should ask the Chair for the opportunity to be heard when the item comes up for Commission consideration.

Code Compliance Officer Jena Carter announced that the Town Clean Up would be happening this weekend. She gave an update regarding current code compliance activities.

Public Hearing Procedure: The Chair will open the public hearing and then: Statement and presentation by staff. Statement and presentation by property owner or appellant. Questions from the Planning and Economic Development Commission. Call for testimony from those persons wishing to speak. Rebuttal to previous testimony by property owner or appellant. Close the public hearing, terminating public testimony. The Commission will deliberate the matter and arrive at a decision.


An Addendum to the 1991 Lodestar at Mammoth EIR has been prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15164 (Addendum to an EIR or Negative Declaration).

Applicant/ Property Owner: Mark Rafeh for Mammoth Springs Resorts, LLC

The Chair opened the public hearing at 2:03 p.m.

Commissioner Eckert had a conflict of interest and did not participate in this item.

Assistant Planner Michael Peterka, Community and Economic Development Director Sandra Moberly, Town Counsel Alisha Winterswyk, Mark Rafeh, applicant, and Poorva Garg, applicant architect, outlined the information in the staff report. There was discussion among members of the Commission, staff, and applicant team.


Jaime Pollack spoke in opposition to the project.

A recording from Chelsea Glende was played that outlined her opposition to the project.

Kimberly Taylor spoke in opposition to the project.

Lindsay Barksdale, resident of San Joaquin Villas, spoke in opposition to the project.

Robert Frichtel, resident of San Joaquin Villas, spoke in opposition to the project.

Judith Goddard spoke in opposition to the project.

Eric Taylor spoke in opposition to the project.

Sharon said that she could not see the areas that members of the public were referring to.

Michelle Lussier spoke in opposition to the project.

Gina Varieschi spoke in opposition to the project.

The Chair closed the public hearing at 3:25 p.m.

Town staff addressed concerns raised by the public.

There was discussion among members of the Commission. 

The Chair called a recess at 3:52 p.m. and the Commission reconvened at 3:59 p.m.

  • Moved byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Seconded byVice Chair Jennifer Burrows

    Adopt the attached Planning and Economic Development Commission Resolution, making the required CEQA, State No Net Loss Law, State Subdivision Map Act, and Municipal Code findings, and approving Tentative Tract Map 21-001, Use Permit 22-002, Use Permit 21-001, Design Review 21-001 and Adjustment 21-006 with conditions as recommended by staff, including addition of the following conditions:

    Prior to issuance of grading permit, Applicant shall coordinate final gate design, including location, configuration and any appropriate signage, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department, in order to meet the Municipal Code operational requirements, including provision of adequate turn-around space.

    Prior to issuance of a building permit, applicant shall submit a snow removal/storage management plan for the Callahan Way access parcel in accordance with Municipal Code Section 17.36.110.B(3)(a) to the Community and Economic Development Department and Public Works Department for approval. The plan shall be in the form of a recorded document mutually agreed to between the property owner and the Town and shall describe features such as, but not limited to, location of snow storage areas, the method of snow hauling, frequency of pick-ups, pick-up areas, haul routes, hours of hauling operations, and snow deposit areas. This plan shall be included in the CC&Rs prior to final map approval by Town staff. 

    For (3)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Against (1)Commissioner Paul Chang
    Abstain (1)Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Carried (3 to 1)

Hillside site) in the “Plaza Resort” and “Specialty Lodging” zone of the North Village Specific Plan Area. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, an Addendum to the 1999 Subsequent Program Environmental Impact Report (SPEIR) was prepared for the Limelight Hotel project.

Applicant/ Property Owner: Aspen Skiing Company / Limelight Mammoth LLC

The Chair opened the public hearing at 4:00 p.m.

Commissioner Chang had a conflict of interest and left the meeting at 4:00 p.m.

Commissioner Eckert joined the meeting at 4:01 p.m.

Senior Planner Kim Cooke,  Andy Reed, applicant, and Dan Patton, applicant architect, outlined the information in the staff report. There was discussion among members of the Commission and staff.


Garrett Higerd, District Engineer for the Mammoth Community Water District, spoke about the permitting authority process and outlined the District's concerns with the proposed project. There was discussion among members of the Commission and Mr. Higerd.

Mark Busby, General Manager of the Mammoth Community Water District, outlined the District's concerns and asked that the Commission's decision be delayed until they could investigate the issues further.

Jeff Kerns, owner at the Westin, outlined his concerns regarding noise.

Tom Hodges, VP of Development at Mammoth Mountain, spoke in support of the project.

Bruce Favish, owner at the Westin, spoke in opposition to the project.

Leisha Baldwin, Westin Monache, outlined the hotel and homeowners concerns with the project.

Jeff Marchioro, owner at the Westin, outlined his concerns with the project.

Deborah Ernst, owner at the Westin, asked that the Commission to delay their decision so that additional mitigations could be developed to address her concerns.

Rob Chandler outlined his concerns with the project.

Steve Bernard, President of the Monache Homeowners Association, outlined his concerns with the project.

Damon Summers, owner at the Westin, outlined his concerns with the project.

Sean Xia, owner at the Westin, outlined his concerns with the project.

Susan Hoffman, owner of several units at the Westin, outlined her concerns with the project.

Michelle Sullivan, owner at the Westin, outlined her concerns with the project.

Willie Liu, owner at the Westin, outlined his concerns with the project.

Julia Aussenhofer, owner at the Westin, outlined her concerns with the project and asked the Commission to delay their decision to allow for further discussion.

Dave Saltmarsh, owner at the Westin, outlined his concerns with the project. 

Mr. Chandler asked about the time allowed for construction.

Heidi Vu, owner at the Westin, outlined her concerns with the project.

An unnamed owner at the Westin outlined his concerns with the project.

The Chair closed the public hearing at 5:53 p.m.

Town staff and the applicant team addressed concerns raised by the public.

There was discussion among members of the Commission. 

  • Moved byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Seconded byVice Chair Jennifer Burrows

    Adopt the attached Planning and Economic Development Commission Resolution, making the required CEQA and Municipal Code findings, and approving Tentative Tract Map #TTM 22-002, Use Permit #UPA 22-001, and Major Design Review #DR 22-001 with conditions as recommended by staff, including the following condition:

    Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide evidence that the rooftop equipment meets the Town’s Noise Ordinance.

    For (3)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Against (1)Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Abstain (1)Commissioner Paul Chang
    Carried (3 to 1)

of Inyo Street connecting Center Street and Tavern Rd and the northerly extension of Chaparral Road. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183.3, Streamlining for Infill Projects, an Infill Environmental Checklist was approved. The Infill Environmental Checklist determined that potential direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental effects associated with the project were previously and adequately analyzed.

Applicant/ Property Owner: Pacific West Communities, Inc./Town of Mammoth Lakes

The Chair opened the public hearing at 6:19 p.m.

Commissioner Eckert had a conflict of interest and left the meeting at 6:19 p.m.

Commissioner Chang returned to the meeting at 6:19 p.m.

Assistant Planner Gina Montecallo outlined the information in the staff report. There was discussion among members of the Commission and staff.


Michelle Morison outlined her concerns with the project. 

The chair closed the public hearing at 6:36 p.m.

Town staff addressed concerns made by the public.

  • Moved byVice Chair Jennifer Burrows
    Seconded byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy

    Adopt the attached Planning and Economic Development Commission Resolution, making the required Subdivision Map Act and Municipal Code findings, and approving Tentative Tract Map #TTM 22-001 with conditions as recommended by staff.

    For (4)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, Commissioner Paul Chang, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Abstain (1)Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Carried (4 to 0)

categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines Section 15303, New Construction of Small Structures.

Applicant: Elliott Brainard

Property Owner: Dauernheim Family Trust

The Chair opened the public hearing at 6:41 p.m.

Commissioner Eckert returned to the meeting at 6:41 p.m.

Assistant Planner Michael Peterka outlined the information in the staff report. 

Elliott Brainard, applicant, outlined his project.

There was discussion among members of the Commission, staff, and Mr. Brainard.

The Chair closed the public hearing at 6:50 p.m.

  • Moved byCommissioner Greg Eckert
    Seconded byVice Chair Jennifer Burrows

    Adopt the attached Planning and Economic Development Commission Resolution, making the required CEQA and Municipal Code findings, and approving Variance 21-001 with conditions as recommended by staff.

    For (5)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, Commissioner Paul Chang, Commissioner Greg Eckert, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Carried (5 to 0)

family residence at 31 Mala Ulice. The project is reviewed under Application no. VAR 22-001 and is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines §15301(e), Existing Facilities.

Applicant/ Property Owner: Dotan Saguy

The Chair opened the public hearing at 6:52 p.m.

Senior Planner Kim Cooke outlined the information in the staff report. 

Mike Britton, applicant, outlined his project.

There was discussion among members of the Commission, staff, and Mr. Britton. 

The Chair closed the public hearing at 7:06 p.m.

  • Moved byVice Chair Jennifer Burrows
    Seconded byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy

    Adopt the attached Planning and Economic Development Commission Resolution, making the required CEQA and Municipal Code findings, and approving Variance #VAR 22-001 with conditions as recommended by staff.

    For (4)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, Commissioner Paul Chang, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Against (1)Commissioner Greg Eckert
    Carried (4 to 1)

building height of 38 feet and 3 inches for the reconstruction of an attached garage and single-family residence located at 751 Majestic Pines Drive. The project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures).

Applicant/ Property Owner: John L and Cheryl C Gabele

The Chair opened the public hearing at 7:07 p.m.

Assistant Planner Gina Montecallo outlined the information in the staff report. 

Larry Gabele, applicant, outlined the project.

There was discussion among members of the Commission, staff, and Mr. Gabele. 

  • Moved byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Seconded byCommissioner Greg Eckert

    Adopt the attached Planning and Economic Development Commission Resolution, making the required CEQA and Municipal Code findings, and approving Variance 22-002 and Adjustment 22-002. 

    For (5)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, Commissioner Paul Chang, Commissioner Greg Eckert, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Carried (5 to 0)
  • Moved byChair Michael Vanderhurst
    Seconded byCommissioner Jessica Kennedy

    Approve the Consent Agenda.

    For (5)Chair Michael Vanderhurst, Vice Chair Jennifer Burrows, Commissioner Paul Chang, Commissioner Greg Eckert, and Commissioner Jessica Kennedy
    Carried (5 to 0)

Informational reports from Commissioner representatives on committees, commissions, and organizations; general reports on Commission activities.  Opportunity to add urgency items pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2(b)2, if necessary; and to remove items from consent for separate discussion.

Design Committee - Paul Chang and Jennifer Burrows

Mobility Committee - Michael Vanderhurst and Jessica Kennedy

There were no reports given at this time.

The Director's Report portion of the agenda provides the Director with an opportunity to address the Planning and Economic Development Commission on Community and Economic Development work items.

Community and Economic Development Director Sandra Moberly reported that the Commission would be having a special meeting on May 25 with the Town Council regarding The Parcel.

The Planning and Economic Development Commission will adjourn to a regular meeting to be held on June 8, 2022.

The Commission adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m.

No Item Selected